Relationship Anxiety (ROCD)

Relationship anxiety is hard to overcome until you know how it works.

If you’re suffering from relationship anxiety, I want you to know that you can overcome it and you don’t need to do it alone.

I’m Cameron, and I help guide people through relationship anxiety (ROCD).

I help adults overcome relationship anxiety (ROCD) so that they can have healthy, loving relationships. I use evidence-based therapies to help people learn the skills needed to overcome ROCD and get the love they want.

I help adults overcome relationship anxiety (ROCD) so that they can have healthy, loving relationships. I use evidence-based therapies to help people people learn the skills needed to beat their ROCD.

I help adults overcome relationship anxiety (ROCD) so that they can have healthy, loving relationships. I use evidence-based therapies to help people people learn the skills needed to beat their ROCD.

What is Relationship Anxiety (ROCD)?

Relationship anxiety is persistent anxiety or doubt about:

  • Whether you’re in the right relationship

  • Whether you’re with the right person

  • Whether your anxiety is a warning sign to leave

  • Whether you love or are attracted to your partner enough

  • Whether you’re making a big mistake.

People with relationship anxiety often spend hours a day worrying over these questions. Their relationships often suffer as a result.

I can help you overcome relationship anxiety (ROCD)

Relationship anxiety works by convincing you that there’s a problem with your relationship or with your partner. This is its trick, and it’s easy to fall for because it feels real. It really feels like there’s a problem. Why else would you feel so anxious?

In our work together, we’re going to flip the script. Your anxiety probably isn’t about whether your relationship or partner are “right”. It’s probably more about how you deal with uncertainty, risk, commitment, and other aspects of being in a healthy, loving relationship.

In our work together, I will help you

  • Overcome relationship anxiety so you can have the relationship you want 

  • Sort through the fears and confusion that come with relationship anxiety

  • Learn to challenge your relationship anxiety so it stops controlling your relationship

  • Reconnect with what matters most to you about being in a loving relationship

  • Take steps toward these things that matter to you

In our work together, we’re going to flip the script. Your anxiety probably isn’t about whether your relationship or partner are “right”. It’s probably more about how you deal with uncertainty, commitment, and other aspects of being in a healthy, loving relationship.

In our work together, we’re going to flip the script. Your anxiety probably isn’t about whether your relationship or partner are “right”. It’s probably more about how you deal with uncertainty, commitment, and other aspects of being in a healthy, loving relationship.

How does therapy work?

I will work with you one on one in weekly therapy sessions to flip the script of relationship anxiety and learn to:

  • Disregard the doubts and preoccupations that ROCD throws at you. When you can see these thoughts as just thoughts (rather than signals or warning signs), then ROCD can’t push you around.

  • Accept the feelings of anxiety that show up when risking yourself in a healthy, loving relationship. When you can have the anxiety without being impressed or captured by it, then relationship anxiety loses its power over you.

  • Lean in to your relationship and move closer to your partner, even when relationship anxiety tells you to pull away. When you learn to face your fears and stop taking orders from your anxiety, then relationship anxiety can’t stop you.

I use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), which are effective evidence-based therapies for anxiety and OCD.

I also plan on running a support group in the future, as an option for people who want a group format or who can’t afford the full session fee. Please email me if you would like me to notify you when these groups begin.

Do I have ROCD?

Ask yourself if spend a lot of time doing any of the following:

  • Trying to figure out if you’re in the “right” or “wrong” relationship

  • Doubting whether you’re really in love with your partner, or whether they’re really “the ONE”

  • Checking whether you’re attracted enough to your partner

  • Fearing choosing the “wrong” person and regretting it later

  • Believing you would be happier or more in love with another person

  • Reassuring yourself that you’re with the “right” person

  • Focusing on and judging specific attributes of your partner (for example, thinking “I can’t be with someone who laughs like they do".)

If you notice yourself doing any of these things, you might have relationship anxiety or ROCD.

Overcoming relationship anxiety (ROCD) is possible! Reach out for a free consultation to learn more.