ROCD Course - Your Path to Peace and Connection

ROCD Course - Your Path to Peace and Connection

Are you constantly worried about your relationship? Do you find yourself asking questions like:

"What if I don't love my partner enough?" 

"Is this really the right person for me?" 

"Why don't I feel as attracted to them as I used to?"

“Am I really in love?”

If these thoughts are spinning in your head, you're not alone. I'm Cameron, and I've been exactly where you are. That pit in your stomach, the constant doubt, the fear that you're making a huge mistake – I get it. It's exhausting, isn't it?

What you're experiencing might actually be relationship anxiety and ROCD. ROCD is a form of anxiety that makes you question everything about your relationship, even when things are actually going well. The good news? There's a way out of this maze of doubt and fear. That's why I created my ROCD course, Choosing Love: How to Find Peace from Relationship Anxiety and ROCD.

Why Take an Online ROCD Course?

ROCD is like a broken record in your mind, constantly playing the same worries about your relationship. It makes you doubt your feelings, your partner, and your decision to be with them. 

You might have thoughts like:

“Is something wrong with the relationship?”

“Should I tell my partner all my doubts?” 

“Is this my gut telling me to leave?” 

“Should I break up with them?” 

Sound familiar?

Here's the thing: ROCD isn't about your actual relationship. It's about anxiety. Your brain is trying to protect you from getting hurt, but it's going overboard. Way overboard.

The Online ROCD Course Teaches You About The ROCD Cycle

I wrote in another post how to recognize ROCD. To recap, ROCD traps you in a cycle of obsessing, distressing, and compulsing

  1. Obsessing: Those "what if" questions that pop up (like the ones listed above).

  2. Distressing: You feel anxious, scared, and confused.

  3. Compulsing: You try to make the anxiety go away by seeking reassurance or analyzing your relationship.

The problem? This cycle just keeps the anxiety going. It's like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. Even if you feel temporary relief, sooner or later you fall back into the ROCD cycle.

How The “Choosing Love” Relationship Anxiety Course Can Help

I created this relationship anxiety course to help you get out of the ROCD cycle. Until you’re out of the ROCD cycle, it’s hard to make progress with recovery. 

I know this because I've been there. I was stuck in a cycle of relationship anxiety for almost 10 years - but once I found the right approach, recovery happened in a matter of weeks and months. It all starts with getting out of the ROCD cycle. The good news is that you can learn to do this too. 

This relationship anxiety course was created with you in mind. I know how it feels to be scared you're making a huge mistake, even when part of you knows your partner is amazing. I've spent years learning how to help others break free from ROCD, and now I want to share that knowledge with you.

In this course, you'll learn:

  1. How to recognize ROCD thoughts (they're sneaky!) that pull you into the ROCD cycle

  2. Why trying to "figure out" if you're in the right relationship actually makes things worse, and what to do instead

  3. How to focus on building the relationship you want, instead of worrying about what might go wrong

  4. Ways to connect with your partner, even when you're feeling anxious

  5. Practical tools to feel like yourself again 

Why This ROCD Course is Different

Look, I know there's a lot of relationship advice out there. But most of it doesn't work because it’s not tailored to someone with relationship anxiety or ROCD. They might tell you to "just communicate more" or "follow your gut." That advice can actually make ROCD worse.

This course is designed FOR people with relationship anxiety, BY someone who had relationship anxiety - and who overcame it. 

Here are four unique benefits of this course that you won’t find elsewhere: 

  1. This is the only online course that uses ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) to help people find peace from relationship anxiety and ROCD. This is important because ERP is the gold-standard approach to working with anxiety and ROCD. 

  2. This course is led by a fully licensed therapist. Other ROCD courses are led by coaches. While coaches can be very skilled and helpful, they don’t have the extensive training that therapists do. 

  3. This course is grounded in evidence-based strategies that we know from research are helpful for many people. 

  4. This course has been reviewed and vetted by other licensed therapists.

Is This ROCD Course Right for You?

This relationship anxiety course might be a great fit for you if:

  • You're constantly questioning your relationship or your feelings

  • You worry that you don't love your partner enough or that your anxiety is a warning sign to leave

  • You compare your relationship to others and always feel like you're falling short

  • You've tried other relationship advice, but nothing seems to help

  • You want to feel more confident and secure in your relationship

  • You believe that the course has helped other people, but worry that you’re the one person it won’t help. (Hint: that’s anxiety talking.)

What Changes Can You Expect From Taking the ROCD Course?

You might be wondering, "Okay, but what will actually change if I take this course?" Great question! Let's talk about the real, tangible differences you can expect to see in yourself and your relationship.

1. Breaking Free from the ROCD Cycle

Remember how we talked about obsessing, distressing, and compulsing? This course will help you interrupt that cycle.

You'll learn how to:

  • Recognize ROCD thoughts when they pop up

  • Stop compulsive behaviors that keep you stuck

  • Face uncertainty without spiraling

It's like learning to step off a merry-go-round that's been making you dizzy. At first, it might feel weird to not be spinning. But soon, you'll realize how much better it feels to have your feet on solid ground.

2. More Room for Love

As you stop compulsing and take your ROCD less seriously, you'll actually have more mental space for love. It's like your brain has been so busy worrying that it hasn't had time to notice all the good things about your relationship.

People who've taken this course often say things like:

  • "I'm noticing little moments of joy with my partner again."

  • "I feel more present when we're together, instead of being lost in my thoughts."

  • "I'm rediscovering why I love my partner."

3. A New Kind of Courage

As you work through this ROCD course, you'll develop a courage you never knew you had. You'll learn to stand up to your fears and choose love, even when you're not 100% certain.

You might find yourself saying things like:

  • "I think I love my partner. I can't be 100% sure, but I'm betting on it."

  • “I don’t know what the future will bring, but I love this person and want to give our relationship a chance.”

  • "ROCD is trying to trick me into doubting again, but I'm not falling for it. I’m going to keep showing up for my relationship."

This isn't just about feeling less anxious (though that's great too!). It's about getting back in touch with the strength and courage you already possess deep inside of you, and that ROCD has covered over.

Your Next Step: Join the Course

Living with relationship anxiety is tough. It can make you feel alone, confused, and scared about the future. But it doesn't have to be this way. You can have the loving, connected relationship you want – even if you're feeling anxious right now.

My relationship anxiety course, "Choosing Love," can help you get there. It's more than just information – it's a roadmap to break free from the cycle of doubt and fear. Over 3 hours of audio, 10 practical tools, and 50 pages of handouts, you'll learn how to quiet those anxious thoughts, connect with your partner, and build the relationship you really want.

Ready to take the first step? Click here to learn more about the course and start your journey to a calmer, more loving relationship today.

Remember, you're not alone in this. ROCD is tough, but you're tougher. With the right tools and support, you can choose love over fear. I've done it myself, and I've helped many others do it also. Now's your chance to do it too. Join today.

Meet Cameron

I help men and women do the personal work needed to overcome ROCD and have healthy, happy relationships. I work with people who are experiencing relationship anxiety for the very first time, who develop it after getting engaged, or who have struggled with it for years and sometimes decades.

Through my own experience with relationship anxiety, and the many dozen clients I’ve helped, I know that there’s also a way out. My job is to help guide you through ROCD and find the courage to choose love.

I meet with clients in person in Oakland, CA, and online throughout the state of California.

Oakland Therapist Cameron Murphey LMFT

The Ultimate Relationship Anxiety Test – An Easy Way to Identify Relationship OCD


Is this Relationship Anxiety or a Gut Feeling?